#Love Story
In Bride & Groom, Russian Writer Alisa Ganieva explores the complexities of contemporary life in modern-day Dagestan. The story follows the lives of two young people, Patya and Marat, who are about to get married in a traditional Dagestani wedding. Despite their differences in upbringing, education, and aspirations, Patya and Marat share a deep love for each other and are determined to start a new life together. However, their wedding is threatened by a series of unexpected events that force them to confront their personal and cultural differences. As they navigate through the challenges of their relationship and their place in Dagestani society, Patya and Marat come to realize that love can overcome even the most difficult obstacles. Ganieva’s writing is both insightful and humorous, with a rich sense of detail that brings the story to life. From the descriptions of the traditional wedding feast to the tensions between the couple’s families,
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